Combining Rows



I have a spreadsheet where the data I have downloaded went into two rows,
three columns in row 1 and 3 columns in row 2. How can I move the data from
row 2 columns A, B, and C to row 1 columns D, E, and F? I have over 600 of
thse to do, so I wanted to find something automated, so I wouldn't have to
cut and paste each one.



Assuming you have source data in cols A to C, from row1 down:

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12
13 14 15
16 17 18

and you want it transformed into 6 cols "pair-wise", ie into:

1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18

Just place in D1:
Copy D1 across by 6 cols to I1, then fill down as far as required to exhaust
the source data in cols A to C. This returns the required transformation in
cols D to I. Copy cols D to I & paste special as values elsewhere as desired.

Harlan Grove

Max said:
Assuming you have source data in cols A to C, from row1 down:

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12
13 14 15
16 17 18

I'll just assume the data is in a range named D.
and you want it transformed into 6 cols "pair-wise", ie into:

1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18

Just place in D1:


Without volatile functions,


Fill D1 right into E1:I1, then fill D1:I1 down as far as needed.

But this could be done with simpler formulas and an autofilter. Enter
the formula =A2 in cell D1 and fill D1 right into E1:F1. Enter the
formula =MOD(ROWS(G$1:G1),2) in cell G1. Select D1:G1 and double click
on the fill handle (the box at the bottom right corner of the border
around the selected range). Assuming this filled D1:G1 down into
D2:G700, D1:G700 should now be the selected range. Run the menu
commands Edit > Copy then Edit > Paste Special as values. Then select
A1:G700, run the menu command Data > Filter > AutoFilter, filter
column G for value 0, delete the filtered rows from row *2* down,
clear the autofilter by running the menu command Data > Filter >
AutoFilter again, and clear the range of 1s in column G.

Herbert Seidenberg

This could be done without any formulas:
Select cells plus top blank row.
Format > AutoFormat > List1
Options > Uncheck all except Pattern
Edit > Find > Options > Format > Choose Format from Cell
Select any white cell > Find All > SHIFT+END > Close
Insert > Shift cells right
Select all
Edit > Go To > Special > Blanks
Delete > Shift cells up

This assumes there are no blanks in the data.
A certain row limit exists.(Why?)

Harlan Grove

Herbert Seidenberg said:
This could be done without any formulas:
Select cells plus top blank row.

So OP may need to insert a blank row above the data.
Edit > Find > Options > Format > Choose Format from Cell

This requires Excel 2003, doesn't it?

Dave Peterson

Data|List was added in xl2003. (But the Format|autoformat has been there pretty
long, IIRC.)

The enhancement to Edit|Find based on format was added in xl2002.

Herbert Seidenberg

If blanks or row limits are a problem,
here is an alternate procedure:
Select cells plus top blank row
Format > AutoFormat > List1
Options > Uncheck all except Pattern
Edit > Find > Options > Format > Choose Format from Cell
Select any white cell > Find All > SHIFT+END > Close
Copy > Paste to the right of data, up 1 row
Select left half of data
Find > Find All > SHIFT+END > Close
Delete > Shift cells up

Harlan Grove

Dave Peterson said:
The enhancement to Edit|Find based on format was added in xl2002.

Thanks for that. 2002 was the one version I didn't use for any
appreciable period.

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