combining rows of data



I have 2 fields, (1) EE (2) goal
I may have 3 rows of data with the same (1) EE
How can I combine all 3 rows of data with the same EE into one row? In
other words, combine the (2)Goals into one row of data with a ; between each
goal but have only one row of data with only one (1) EE?

Thank you so much.


You shouldn't.

If one EE can have more than one Goal, then Goals should be in a
separate table, in a 1:m relatioship.




That is not the issue. I have data coming from a separate system with 2-20
rows of 'goals' per employee. We are making a change so employees can non
longer enter 20 rows of goals but only have one field for a goal.

I am trying to combine those 2-20 rows of goals into one row of goals,
having a ; to divide the goals. One employee name per row with 2 or more
goals listed.


I will try this. I figure I may have to add the same table to one query and
try and get the rows.

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