Combining Data multiple tabs



I have a spreadsheet that has multiple tabs with the same data on eac
tab. The data is input line after line. Example appears below

Name : John Smith
Address : 123 Main Street
City: Anytown
State: Ca.
Zip: 12345

I need to gather the data from each tab and put it into a columna
that looks like this

Name Address City State
John Smith 123 Main Street Anytown Ca 12345

Basically the data ends up fitting nicely into columns instead o

I can then make a relational database out of the data. I have trie
=(cell#) and have tried to make the cells absolute on the referenc
it does not work.

Any help would be appreciated.



Dave O

Here's one way. This solution assumes your data is in column A and
each entry appears with that colon in it, per your example; it assumes
a single blank row appears in between entries; it requires a single
blank row before the first entry. In the mockup I created data starts
in A2.

On a new tab the formula in cell A2 is

In B2 the formula is

In C2 the formula is

In D2 the formula is

In E2 the formula is

Copy row 2 and paste it into new rows until all entries from the source
sprdsht are captured. Blank rows will appear in between entries: you
can sort these out of the data set by highlighting rows and sorting on
column A. At some point you may need to copy the data and paste it
over itself as values.


Dave O

Thanks for your response. Here is how the data is input.

Name of property: XYZ (location cell A4)
Property address: 123 Main Street (location cell A5)
City: Anytown (location cell A6)
Cross Street: First Street (location cell a7)

There are no lines that seperate the data. I need to just extract out
the information after the :

The "Name of property:" would become a header on the excel spreadsheet
in column A. The "Property address" would become a header on the exce
spreadsheet in column B - etc. etc. etc.

I could then sort the database after conversion out of the row format
into the columnar format. For example by city or street etc.

I would input the header info into the spreadsheet so I do not reall
need to save this as I could do a find and replace it and just get ri
of it that way.

Let me know if this makes sense.

Thanks for all your help.


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