Combining a sliced and a mapped image in FP



I am totally at a lose here. I am working with FP 2000
A few months ago I managed to slice and map a single
image in Paint Shop Pro, the slicing has it own page of
html, and the mapping has it own page of html. Somehow
when I got these 2 html pages in FP they combined
together to form one page of html. I can not remember how
I go this to happen. There are some possibilites but none
seem to work.
1. I sliced the imaged, put on my webpage in FP, then
edited the slice I wanted mapped.
2. I have sliced and mapped both and put in the same
folder, then copied this folder to my webfile and tried
opening it in FP

I know I tried these things the first time I managed to
get it to work.
But I must of also tired something else.
How can I reproduce the desired results?
The the webpage I got to work stoped working when I ended
up having to move some files that where linked to it. The
Mapped links stopped linking properly.

Thank you!

Jim Buyens

There's really no advantage to slicing up a large picture.
If your picture is 500x500 pixels and you slice it into 25
pieces of 100x100 each, you still have to download 25,000
pixels. The total file size of the 25 sliced pictures may
be a Little bit smaller, but now you have to open and
close 25 network connections, and that takes longer than
opening and closing one connection.

So, my advice is to forget the slicing, add the picture to
your Web page all in one piece, and then map it.

To map an image in FrontPage:
1. Select the picture.
2. Choose the Rectangular Hotspot, Circular Hotspot,
or Polygonal Hotspot button on the Pictures toolbar.
3. Mark one picture area you want to map.
4. Specify the hyperlink location.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each area you want to map.

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)

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