com+ blues continued



I posted the original message listed below. I received
one response (also listed below, thanks for taking your
time to help Jim). I tried his fix but it did not work.
Does anyone else have a fix for this problem?
-----Original Message-----
My event viewer/applications log shows no errors except
this one. It goes on non-stop. It says the following:

The COM+ Event System detected a bad return code during
its internal processing. HRESULT was 80040154 from line
44 of d:\nt\com\com1x\src\events\tier1
\eventsystemobj.cpp. This may indicate that the COM+
Event System is not properly installed. Please try
reinstalling the COM+ Event System.

The eventID = 4610
Category: (50)
Source: EventSystem

Can anyone, please tell me how to get rid of this?

Subject: com+ blues
run the system file checker tool, click start, run, and
type in; " sfc /scannow " with that space after sfc, and
it will ask for your XP CD to copy any needed files. This
runs as "Windows file protection" and is safe to use for
XP. Try to borrow an XP CD for this if needed.

Pat & Gary


This is a problem that I have been working with Microsoft on now for about a
month. My problem is not exactly the same as yours. However, It does deal
with COM+ and get an error when I try to add or remove components.

It deals with d:\nt\com1x\src\complussetup\csetuputil.cpp

Sub-component COM+ raised an exception while processing the

d:\nt\com\com1x\src\complussetup\comsetup\csetuputil.cpp (line 2194)

Error Code = 0x80004005

Unspecified error

Currently there is no help for this error message. Please see
systemroot\comsetup.log for

more details.

It is asking for data on d:\ drive and is to get that data from
"\nt\com1x\src\complussetup\csetuputil.cpp" path - there is no such
directory path or "csetuputil.cpp" file on the Windows XP Pro install CD -
that I can find -

I have found others with similar problems but have no answers as of yet -
Microsoft is having a problem tiring to find it as well - check your log
files search *.*log - and see what they say.

If you find anything please let me know



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