Columns in a form


Pastor Del

I want to provide my users with the option to select multiple items from a
list by clicking the option button next to the item. I'm displaying the list
in a form set to Continuous Forms. The form's record source is set to a
table that has a field for both the item and the option button The problem
is that there are too many items on the list and I don't want to provide
vertical scroll bars. I thought it would work well if I could display the
list in columns. I only want the columns in the Details section. How do I
get these columns to display? I set the columns in Page Setup = 2 but the
second column does not display. I've also messed with the New Row or Col
property of the details section without success.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Gina Whipp

Pastor Del,

Forms to not have *snaking* ability as reports do. The Page Setup you are
looking at is for Reports not forms. Without two subforms attached to a
main form and some VBA coding I do not see a way to accomplish what you want
to do. Of course you could use lidt boxes but that too would require quite
a bit of code.

Okay, that might be more than you bargined for... what is it about scroll
bars you don't like?

Gina Whipp

"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" - Tremors

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