Column and cell identificatiion



If cell value/number B2 is shown anywhere in column A, then how do I
show that cell B2 in cell C2?

I have got as far as having the following in cell C2 =IF((B2=A2),B2)
which works but only if the cell being looked for is in A2. When I try
to extend column A to say A2:A100 so that can look in anywhere within
that column, it no longer works.

Any assistance very much appreciated - thanks.


Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

Try this formula in C2 (the formula can be copied down if needed)...



Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

Actually, in thinking about it, and assuming your search word will never be
in your Row 1 header, you don't have to provide a limit on the search



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