Column A is on the right


Ahmad Mahran

Can anyone help me Please?
When I launch excel 2007, the default page starts from right to left, i.e.
column A is in the far right!
how can I resore column A to be in the far left as usual?
Kindly email me your suggestions on (e-mail address removed)

Ahmad Mahran

Hi Ron,
Thank you for your kind assistance.
yes I had enabled Arabic,i.e. right to left language as a second language on
my computer.
You had mentioned in the link you sent me " The default sheet direction for
Excel you can change with this code line
Application.DefaultSheetDirection = xlLTR 'or use xlRTL"
Would you please explain how can I do that in easy steps please.
(e-mail address removed) is my email address.
I appreciate your help

Ron de Bruin

Hi Ahmad

Open a new workbook
Alt F11
Use Insert module in the VBA editor
Copy this in the module

Sub test()
Application.DefaultSheetDirection = xlLTR 'or use xlRTL"
MsgBox "Ready"
End Sub

With your curser in this macro press F5 to run ther macro

Now close the file without saving

Ahmad Mahran

Thanks Ron it worked.
Now I have my A column on the left, but I have two pages!!
how can we have only one page at start up?
Sorry man.

Ron de Bruin

Hi Ahmad

Office Button>Excel options

Change "Include this many sheets:" to 1

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