Code to see if a value exists in table




I need a bit of code that will search a table field for a certain value and
return a true or false. I don't need to see the value or record, I just need
to know if it is there so the code can then call up a msgBox if the value is
in the table.
Many thanx.


Albert D.Kallal

Sure, you can use:

if dcount("FieldPartNum","tblParts","FieldpartNum = 123") = 0 then
msgbox "part number 123 does not exist"
end if

Do note if the field you are seaching is text, then you must surround the
seach value with quotes.

if dcount("FieldPartNum","tblParts","FieldpartNum = '123' ") = 0 then
msgbox "part number 123 does not exist"
end if


Hi Ripper,

And an alternative to Albert's suggestion is to use the DLookup function

Hardcoded Search Value
if IsNull(DLookup("FieldPartNum", "tblParts", "FieldPartNum = 123")) then
Msgbox "Part 123 does not exist.", vbOkOnly
end if

Dynamic Search Value
if IsNull(DLookup("FieldPartNum", "tblParts", "FieldPartNum = " &
txtSearchField) )then
Msgbox "Part 123 does not exist.", vbOkOnly
end if

As Albert also mentioned, fields defined as text will require the single



Using DCount
if dcount("FieldPartNum","tblParts","FieldpartNum = " & cboBox) = 0 then
msgbox "part number 123 does not exist"
end if

If FieldPartNum is of data type string, then make it "FieldPartNum = '" &
cboBox & "'" (its hard to see but there are single quotes added.

Using DLookup
if IsNull(DLookup("FieldPartNum", "tblParts", "FieldPartNum = " &
cboBox) )then
Msgbox "Part 123 does not exist.", vbOkOnly
end if

The same applies for DLookup if the data type is a string for the field
being searched.


Albert D.Kallal

RipperT> said:
Thanx! What about if the value to be searched for is in a cboBox?

Just use the expression from the combo box.

if dcount("FieldPartNum","tblParts","FieldpartNum = " & me.MyComboBox) = 0
msgbox "part number in combo box does not exist"
end if

Do note if the field you are seaching is text, then you must surround the
seach value with quotes.

if dcount("FieldPartNum","tblParts","FieldpartNum = '" & me.MyComboBox &
"'") = 0 then
msgbox "part number 123 does not exist"
end if

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