Code No Longer Works in 2007



Excel 2007. I have a well developed workbook with lots of modules of VBA
behind it. It worked fine and for years under Excel 2003. Now after
installing (upgrading) to Office 2007, I am getting inexplicable errors. One
for instance occurs when trying to add a Name (label a cell) as follows:

WbNew.Names.Add Name:="MIA" + Left(WbNew.ActiveSheet.Name, 3),
RefersToR1C1:= _
"='" + WbNew.ActiveSheet.Name + "'!R" + Trim(Str(TCL + 5)) + "C2"

This resolves to:

WbNew.Names.Add Name:="MIA092", RefersToR1C1:= "='092-International

The error message I get is:Runtime error "1004"

The name that you entered is not valid.

Reasons for this can include:
-The name does not begin with a letter or an underscore
-The name contains a space or other invalid character
-The name conflicts with an Excel built-in name or the name of another
object in the workbook
The first reason is not the problem, nor is the second. So why am I now
getting this error in Excel 2007 when it has worked for years in Excel 2003?

Is there anything short of going back to Office 2003 that I can do?

Bernie Deitrick


Remember that Excel 2007 has lots of rows (1,000,000 +) and lots of columns (through 4 letters).
Names cannot resolve to valid cell addresses, so you will need to change your code to _not_ give you
MIA092, which is a valid cell address in XL2007. Add a letter at the end, or another two letters
at the start, or throw in an underscore or two, or....

MS Excel MVP

Jon Peltier

While it's not your specific problem, you might try to get in the habit of
using & for string concatenation instead of +. Sure, + seems to work, but if
you aren't careful, you might get an unpleasant surprise:

A & 1 = A1
A + 1 = A1 (sometimes type mismatch error)
1 & 1 = 11
1 + 1 = 2

- Jon

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