Club Pogo games do not load



I just purchased a new computer with Windows XP2000 Home Edition installed.
I am having problems with loading games on Club Pogo and with loading
"audibles" on Yahoo Messenger. Is there something on the Home Edition that
needs to be changed to allow these sites to download correctly?

Carey Frisch [MVP]

Free Software - Java Software for the desktop

You may want to also install Macromedia Flash Player:

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect Your PC!



| I just purchased a new computer with Windows XP2000 Home Edition installed.
| I am having problems with loading games on Club Pogo and with loading
| "audibles" on Yahoo Messenger. Is there something on the Home Edition that
| needs to be changed to allow these sites to download correctly?
| --
| Ellatwork


Hi Carey, thanks for these tips. I had downloaded from the java site before
you replied, and then last evening I downloaded the flash player from
macromedia. I am still not able to enter the canasta 2-player games,
although I can play this game with the robot. Pogo Help says to check to
make sure Pop-Up Blocker is disabled. I can get past the first test in the
Pop-Up Blocker test in Pogo Help, but not the other two. Pogo Help then
suggests I check for other programs that may have an active Pop-Up Blocker.
Are there any preloaded programs in the new XP 2000 Home Edition that have
active Pop-Up Blockers that I need to disable in order to play canasta with
other players on Pogo? Thanks for your help.


Cary, finally figured out where I had another Pop-Up Blocker, and thought
this might help some other users out there. I have HiSpeed NetZero, and when
I clicked on the icon on the bottom right of my screen, the Pop-Up Filter was
checked. When I unchecked this, everything in Club Pogo started to work.
Thanks again for your help with the macromedia suggestion.

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