Closing Excel and Events



I have a number of spreadsheets with customized menu bars across the top. In
each of these, I use Workbook_Open, _Activate, _Deactivate, and _BeforeClose
to ensure that the right custom menus end up on the right worksheets as I
move from on workbook to another.

The only problem I have is when I have multiple workbooks open and close
Excel, I seem to get caught in a loop. I need to run the _BeforeClose and I
need to have .EnableEvents=True the next time any of the files is opened.
How can I do this? Thanks in advance.


I am reading volumes into your succinct comment. I am assuming that you are
suggesting that getting rid of these will eliminate my problems. I would
have a harder time getting rid of _Open than _BeforeClose. I will try
getting rid of _BeforeClose, and putting it's limited functionallity into
_Deactivate. Let me know if I am totally misinterpretting this.


Peter T

From your slightly later post it sounds like you've got it all sorted, but a
quick comment about my first post.

I didn't really intend you to 'read volumes into my succinct comment', but
for it to be taken at face value as a question, perhaps after a quick check
that all works fine without those events (sounds like it does, guess they
are 'attached' bars).

But you may well have come back with something like - yes, the open/close
events are needed to create and destroy the custom toolbars when the wb
opens/closes and the de-/activate to toggle visible as required. Had that
been the case I would have gone on to suggest a slight modification.

Anyway, glad the question probed the solution!

Peter T

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