client-side controls and server-side code



To avoid a postback, we want to use a webservice and XMLHTTP to fetch the
list of values for dropdowns whose contents are determined by an earlier
user-choice on the page. E.g. if the user selects "FL" from the State
dropdown, the Cities dropdown will be populated with cities in Florida only:

State Dropdown Cities Dropdown
NY Miami
PA Tampa
FL St Augustine

If the Cities dropdown is a client-side SELECT object populated in this
manner (i.e. client-side DOM parsing of XML dataset returned by a
webservice), is it possible, in code-behind, to detect which City was
selected when the form is posted?


Lucas Tam

Jake said:
is it possible, in code-behind, to detect which City was
selected when the form is posted?

Yes you can use the class "Request.form" to read the control value.

Steve C. Orr [MVP, MCSD]

You may need to use client side script to write the value to a hidden field.
Then you could read the hidden field from the Request.Form collection.

I recently discovered this suite of controls that makes this kind of thing
easier than I would have imagined it could be:

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