Clickable Address in Excel Spreadsheet to Internal Computer Files



Excel 2003 on an XP system.

I've got an Excel file all created and loaded.
Now I want to add addresses to graphic files located on my computer.
This will NOT be a published document.
It will be strictly internal to my computer.

I can get the COMPLETE file address by right clicking on the filename and
selecting Properties.
That gives me the file location starting from C:
I Copy and Paste that into my Excel document.
Then I add the filename.

And ... nothing.
My Excel document is not recognizing it as a file address (blue color,
clickable, etc.)
To my document it's just a non-clickable text string.

How do I get it to be recognized as a clickable address?

The scary part is that I did it once, but now can't remember how!!!

Gord Dibben

In an adjacent helper column enter =HYPERLINK(cellref)

Or run this macro on the selected cells.

Sub MakeHyperlinks()
'David McRitchie
Dim Cell As Range
For Each Cell In Intersect(Selection, _
Selection.SpecialCells(xlConstants, xlTextValues))
With Worksheets(1)
.Hyperlinks.Add anchor:=Cell, _
Address:=Cell.Value, _
ScreenTip:=Cell.Value, _
End With
Next Cell
End Sub

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Hi kgvi,

Click in the cell where you want the hyperlink and go to
Insert>Hyperlink or just tap Ctrl+K.

Then in the dialog box select browse for file.
Make sure you select the right option from
the 'files of type' dropdown and the rest should be
follow your nose.



This probably works, but rather complex.

Gord Dibben said:
In an adjacent helper column enter =HYPERLINK(cellref)

Or run this macro on the selected cells.

Sub MakeHyperlinks()
'David McRitchie
Dim Cell As Range
For Each Cell In Intersect(Selection, _
Selection.SpecialCells(xlConstants, xlTextValues))
With Worksheets(1)
.Hyperlinks.Add anchor:=Cell, _
Address:=Cell.Value, _
ScreenTip:=Cell.Value, _
End With
Next Cell
End Sub

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Straightforward and simple.
My type of answer.

MartinW said:
Hi kgvi,

Click in the cell where you want the hyperlink and go to
Insert>Hyperlink or just tap Ctrl+K.

Then in the dialog box select browse for file.
Make sure you select the right option from
the 'files of type' dropdown and the rest should be
follow your nose.


Gord Dibben

Your original post stated that you already had the path and filenames in cells
and wanted them to be hyperlinks.

Either of my methods will work for you in that case.

Why are you going out browsing and doing it again one at a time?


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