Click opening a specific jpg with Microsoft Photo Editor



Has anyone written code to open a specific file with microsoft photo editor
or windows picture and fax viewer. When a button is selected, I wanted the
access code to open microsoft photo editor... but the catch is to open with
the fetch option of a specific file name.. say on the c: drive.. etc.

Joerg Ackermann

gld said:
Has anyone written code to open a specific file with microsoft photo
editor or windows picture and fax viewer. When a button is
selected, I wanted the access code to open microsoft photo editor...
but the catch is to open with the fetch option of a specific file
name.. say on the c: drive.. etc.


Public Sub OpenByPhotoEditor(strFile As String)

Dim strPfad As String

strPfad = "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
Shared\PhotoEd\PHOTOED.EXE "
Shell strPfad & strFile

End Sub

Public Sub OpenByImageView(ByVal strFile As String)

Shell "rundll32.exe " & _
Environ("Windir") & _
"\system32\shimgvw.dll,ImageView_Fullscreen " & strFile

End Sub


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