click on calendar control calendar but want to return the DAY of


retired bill

I figured out how to add a calendar control to my excel spreadsheet.
For example, when I click in cell B7, the calendar appears, I click on a
November 11, the date of 11/11/08 gets entered into cell B7, and the calendar
disappears. This works Fine. However, what I would like to be able to set
is when the person clicks on November 11, the date of November gets entered
into cell B7 AND the corresponding weekday (in this case, Tuesday) gets
automatically entered into the cell next to it, C7.
i.e. cell B7 returns the DATE
cell C7 retunrs the DAY of week
The calendar control is in column B - Range B7:B56

Neptune Dinosaur


This is not too hard to do once you know. The WEEKDAY function will give
you a number that returns the day of the week e.g. "=WEEKDAY(B7)"

This actually gives you an integer in the range 1 to 7 (1 for Sunday, 5 for
Thursday etc etc). You can then use a VLOOKUP to link the integers to the
names of the days via a little table that you create in another part of the
sheet or file.

If you find that your Excel environment doesn't recognise WEEKDAY, you will
need to go to Tools --- AddIns and turn on the one called "Analysis Tool
Pack" (then close the file and reopen it).

Rick Rothstein

You can use the TEXT function to return the day name directly (and without
the need for the Analysis ToolPak)...


Neptune Dinosaur

Gee, that's neat. Wish I'd discovered that 10 years ago. Every time you
start to think you've become an "Advnced User", something like this comes
along to cut you down to size ....

Rick Rothstein

If you use 3 d's, then the abbreviated day name is returned. You can do the
same thing (using 3 and 4 m's) to return the month name (abbreviated and
full). It looks like 5 m's will return the first letter of the month name (5
d's doesn't do this).

Neptune Dinosaur

Yep, I'd already gone in and discovered the "3d" thing and the month
equivalent. I have a big application that's used by about 50 people her , so
I've already begun to simplify all of the relevant formaulae and structures.

Thanks again.

retired bill

Rick, thanks for your answer. This is a very simple answer to this question,
however, when I insert the formula, then copy and paste for the range in the
column, it displays the SAME day of the week for the entire column, until I
use the calendar control and actually click on a date I have picked. I would
like to have the cell return a BLANK, until I use the calendar control and
click on a date, then enter the correct DAY of the week in the cell.

Thanks for your time, Bill

retired bill

Gord, thanks for your reply, will give it a try. The reason I posted on a
new thread is because I am new to this, and was not sure anyone could OR
would go back the original thread to check a later response I posted. thanks

New Question: I am using the "ddd" setup in the formula and would like for
the three letter day of the week to appear in ALL capitals if possible. I
have tried changing the "ddd" to "DDD", but this did not work. Any help here
would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Bill

retired bill

Rick, Thanks once again. Works exactly like I needed. One last question if
possible. Is there any way to have each of the SEVEN (7) days of the week
appear in a different color as they come up in the cell. Thanks, Bill

Gord Dibben

We all check the original thread when we know that replies have been posted
to that original.


retired bill

Thanks Gord - Still looking for an answer to my last question. Any

retired bill

Gord - Looks like no one checked back on this thread since yesterday
afternoon. Anyone have a reply to my last question ? Thanks

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