Clear Cache Feature for Internet Explorer


Ted Zieglar

From that same page:

The program can be run directly from the Web site by clicking 'Run' when
prompted. If you choose to save the program, run the program from the
location to which it was saved. The program will automatically delete all
temporary Internet files, cookies, and history files.

Note- The program must be run each time the user wishes to automatically
delete all temporary Internet files, cookies, and history files."


So each user has to run the ClearIECache.msi to remove any files created for
their IE Session. I can see that it removes the files the first time it is
run, but it doesn't seem to delete them going forward unless I ununstall and
run the install again.

Ted Zieglar

Msi files are installers. They install programs into the location you
specify, otherwise to a default location, which is often Program Files.


So wehre is the program installed. I don't see it in Program Files. What is
the executable to delete the cache and other files.



I see that Ted suggestions have not solved the problem - clear cache does
not appear as a programme in the programme files list - there is no *.exe
file associated with clear cache. Does anyone - apart from Ted - know the
answer top this probelm as I also cannot find clear cache after installation

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