Clear All Checkboxes?



I'm developing a fairly complex Userform with 8 checkboxes. Is there a way to
control all boxes with one command. Say for example the end user selects 6 of
the 8 boxes, then clicks run and then excel does its thing. My question is,
is there anyway to clear all the checkboxes with one line, instead of
checkbox1.value = false, checkbox2.value = false, etc...? Or another example
would be if none of the checkboxes are selected then my msgbox would appear,
but be able to do this in one line. I just want to simplfy the code from 8
lines to 1 line. Thanks.

Sharad Naik

Add a Frame in the userform and move all the checkboxes in to that frame.
If userform name is UF1 and Fram name is Frm1 Then
You can do:

Dim chBx
For each chBx in Frm1.Controls
chBx.Value = False


Tom Ogilvy

for each ctrl in userform1.controls
if typeof ctrl is MsForms.checkbox then
ctrl.Value = False
end if


for i = 1 to 8
if userform1.Controls('checkbox" & i).Value = False

there is no Checkboxes.Clear command.

Claud Balls

Here is a snip-it from one of my macros to clear text boxes, maybe you
can alter it to work for you.

For Each txtcontrol In Controls
If Left(txtcontrol.Name, 2) = "tx" Then txtcontrol.Text = ""

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