clean install with upgrade disk?



I have an old machine with xp installed. I upgraded it about a year ago. When working properly I threw away win98 disk. I would like to give this old machine to a friend, but I wan't everything gone except windows. The machine had some software issues when I replaced it. Can I do a clean install with just the upgrade disk since xp is already on the machine?


yes you can do a clean install but you will need a copy of a previous
version as you only have an upgrade, you can boot from the CD and it will
walk you through the deleteing and reformating of the harddrive but at one
point you will be instructed to put the previous version CD in and then it
will continue with the install.
Hope this helps


Also, I do have (2) oem xp disks for my other machines. Would the upgrade disk recognize one of these as a qualiting disk?


If you already have XP installed a clean install with the XP upgrade disk does not require qualifying media.
So in short, the answer is yes, you can install without your 98 disk this time around.

Alex Nichol

curley said:
Also, I do have (2) oem xp disks for my other machines. Would the upgrade disk recognize one of these as a qualiting disk?

From the licensing POV, no they are not. They are in use as the
licenses for those machines, and may not be used in support of a
different machine's upgrade

From the technical POV, if you have such a disk relating to a given
machine and want to upgrade *that*, the answer is maybe - maybe not. If
they are in fact the same as retail CDs - with an i386 folder of files -
and just a different check made in their setup program, then they would
be accepted. If they were 'restore' ones to put the system back to
ex-factory state.

If you have such an OEM restore that is correct for the machine; you can
restore it; then run the XP Upgrade CD from it. Start Install, change
Upgrade to New Install. When it asks you to confirm where, hit ESC;
select and delete the current partition and make a new RAW one to be
formatted at the next stage. By this time the check on eligibility has
been made

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