Clean install WindowsXP Pro SP2 fails web browsing - Times Out 15-




This is the third time I install a clean system of Windows XP Pro SP2 on
three different computers and 15-20% of the time it fails to resolve a URL.
The URL times out (NOT! a 404 DNS message). All three computers work fine
with Windows Pro non SP1/SP2 . I have experienced this on computers with no
third party software installed, no spyware, or viruses on a clean system. I'm
using TimeWarner Road Runner Cable Service with no problem or issues with
WindowsXP. I've turned-off No Pop-Ups on WindowsXP Pro SP2 and turned off
the Firewall and it does not resolve the issue. My antivirus software is
Norton and I used Zone Alarm. Turning these programs off have not resolved
the issue either. The time-outs on failure to resolve the URLs occurs with
any browser I.E. , Mozilla Netscape, or Firefox.

Multiple reloads of a time-out URL usually loads the web page but it is very
frustrating to say the least. I have no issue with prior versions of
WindowsXP Pro. and my Internet Service Provider connection works fine at
670-900 Kbps which is very good for cable.

Again this issue ocurrs only with SP2 versions of Windows XP and I have
already applied all updates to the Windows System from Microsoft Update site.

Is there a patch that resolves this issue with SP2 ? Could it be JAVA
conflicts with SP2 or server host-to-client interaction between SP2 and
server software of some internet web sites ? WHY HASN'T MICROSOFT RESOVED
THIS PROBLEM BY NOW , given the time SP2 has been available !!!



"Try replacing the network card"

That's a lame answer!! . The network cards work O.K. on THREE DIFFERENT
COMPUTERS prior to installing SP2 !!! - More helpful answer needed that takes
into consideration the information posted on the problem. What use is posting
specifics on the problem if people do not read it completely with
comprehension. Please be more helpful.


W. Watson

Bush-ista said:
"Try replacing the network card"

That's a lame answer!! . The network cards work O.K. on THREE DIFFERENT
COMPUTERS prior to installing SP2 !!! - More helpful answer needed that takes
into consideration the information posted on the problem. What use is posting
specifics on the problem if people do not read it completely with
comprehension. Please be more helpful.
Note that MS offers free tech support on SP2 related issues. Give them a call if you
can't solve it.

Wayne T. Watson (Watson Adventures, Prop., Nevada City, CA)
(121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
Obz Site: 39° 15' 7" N, 121° 2' 32" W, 2700 feet

Web Page: <>


I also use TimeWarner Cable but EarthLink is my ISP and I have four
computers running XP SP2 loaded from scratch. I use Symantec AV &
Firewall Corporate Edition. I don't see any problem with time-outs
(except when the ISP is just plain down). Didn't see that problem with
SP1 either.

You cable speed looks very slow to me. I just ran a speed test and I'm
seeing about 2 Mbits/sec download speed. On a good night I'll see just
over 3 Mbits/sec.

Perhaps your ISP is to blame. Try pinging your DNS server about a
hundred times or so and see if there are a lot of drop outs. Also try
pinging one of the troublesome sites and check for drop outs. Can you
compare this by pinging your own computers if you have them networked.

You can find your DNS servers by click Start, then Run. Type in "cmd"
(no quotes) in the Run box, hit return. The command window will pop up.

In the command window, type "ipconfig /all" and write down your DNS
server(s). Then type "ping -n 100 <yourDNSserver>" and sit back for
about a minute.

I just tried this and here's my summary report:

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 100, Received = 100, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 7ms, Maximum = 17ms, Average = 9ms

Also try looking around to see if
anyone else is having problems with TimeWarner in your area. They have
some network diagnostic tools too.


Bush-ista wrote on 1/2/2005 5:27 PM:

Carey Holzman

In that case, I apologize for trying to answer your request for help. I was
under the impression you didn't already know the answer...



Your apology is not accepted because your apology is rude in trying to be a
"smart-ass". Obviously people that post issues DO KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT
COMPUTERS, some to a high degree others to a lesser degree but your answer is
really very poor , providing no real solution and runs contrary to the
information posted . Most times it is better not to post an answer if YOU do
not know rather than posting a stupid answer and use double-talk to talk down
to people. Need to be more professional in your answers and pay closer
attention to the info given in the problem.



Thanks for your suggestion, although the connection is not slow because Cable
goes from 300 Kbps-1000 Kbps and usually it is about 600-800. I've tested the
connection at different sites and it averages on the higher end of Cable.
There might be a confusion between kilobytes,kilobits,megabits but most sites
that you can measure the connection gives you a reference graph or guideline
to see if it is slow or fast. I did do a ping as you suggested and it is well
within the normal speed/time. I don't think the ISP is the problem, but I'll
keep an eye on it. Thanks for your input.


Carey Holzman

When you get a bill for my services, I'll be interested in your feedback.


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