"Cite while you write" not working in Wrod 2003



I installed Endnote 6 and I'm trying to work with Word 2003. I have worked
with both before without a problem but I had to reinstall the operating
systema nd now Word isn't recognizing Endnote. i.e., "Cite while you write"
doesn't show up under Tools, as it used to.

I searched the help in Word and Endnote but there's nothing there. I was
told that Word might be identifying Endnote as a Macro (or something like
that) and it's being blocked. Might this be right? How do I get them to work

Daiya Mitchell

Ask the EndNote people. Endnote.com has a Support link, and this should
be an FAQ on it.

Daiya Mitchell

Glad that helped--I was on dialup and did not have time to find the
exact link, it's kind of you to post it for others.

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