Circular Reference



I am working on an inventory spreadsheet. I am trying to get a total for each
item in a separate column. Each item has multiple rows due to the number of
locations. The formula I have tried to use =IF(A2=A3,V3=V2+U3,V3=U3) does not
work. (A is my item number column, U is my quantity column and V is the
column I am trying to get to be my total for that item number) I am trying to
get it to add the helper row above it if the item numbers match and if they
do not match I want it to use the "u" column. I am probably going about this
in the wrong way so any help is appreciated. Thank you



where "Item" is you item number

Put a list of item numbers in a column say V, and in W2:


and copy down

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