choose table_array in VLOOKUP from list of multiple worksheets?


LDP Analyst

I'm looking to search multiple worksheets labeld by date using the vlookup
function. I'm using the drop down, and I want to know if there is a way to
reference the drop down to a list of ranges, or have that drop down be a
changing reference to in the table_array section of the vlookup function.


This is from a post (verbatim) a while back:

The Custom Excel Functions

Function VLOOKAllSheets(Look_Value As Variant, Tble_Array As Range, _
Col_num as Integer, Optional Range_look as Boolean)

'Written by

'Use VLOOKUP to Look across ALL Worksheets and stops _
at the first match found.
Dim wSheet As Worksheet
Dim vFound

On Error Resume Next

For Each wSheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
With wSheet
Set Tble_Array = .Range(Tble_Array.Address)
vFound = WorksheetFunction.VLookup _
(Look_Value, Tble_Array, _
Col_num, Range_look)
End With
If Not IsEmpty(vFound) Then Exit For
Next wSheet

Set Tble_Array = Nothing
VLOOKAllSheets = vFound
End Function

To use this code do this:

1. Push Alt+F11 and go to Insert>Module
2. Copy and paste in the code.
3. Push Alt+Q and Save.

Now in any cell put in the Function like this:


Where "Dog" is the value to find

" " C1:E20 is the range to look in the first column and find "Dog"

" " 2 is the relative column position in C1:E20 to return return our result

" " FALSE (or ommited) means find and exact match of "Dog"

In other words the UDF has the exact same syntax as Excels VLOOKUP. The only
difference is that it will look in ALL Worksheets and stop at the first

Hope that helps you a bit.

Charles Williams

You can use INDIRECT or CHOOSE.

Personally I prefer to use CHOOSE wherever possible (relatively small number
of worksheets) because its faster. You need to have a way of converting the
date in your dropdown to a number (sheetnumber) then use something like
=VLOOKUP(lookval,CHOOSE(Sheetnumber, Range1, Range2, Range3,

alternatively you could use INDIRECT something like this assuming that cell
D99 contains the sheet name resulting from the dropdown and the lookup range
is A2:Z100.
=VLOOKUP(lookval,INDIRECT(D99 & "!A2:Z100"),colnum)

Outlines for my Sessions at the Australia Excel Users Group

Charles Williams

Be careful with that function: it will not recalculate correctly when
something in the Tble_Array on a different worksheet is changed, unless you
make it Volatile.

Outlines for my Sessions at the Australia Excel Users Group

LDP Analyst

I was heading down the INDIRECT path when I decided to hide another data
chart that used HLOOKUP off of the drop down and the data chart that used
VLOOKUP. I made a graph chart from the HLOOKUP values since those values
change based off of the VLOOKUP from the other two drop downs. Maybe an
indirect method of getting there, but it solved the problem for me.

LDP Analyst


This is from a post (verbatim) a while back:

The Custom Excel Functions

Function VLOOKAllSheets(Look_Value As Variant, Tble_Array As Range, _
                          Col_num as Integer, Optional Range_look as Boolean)

'Written by

'Use VLOOKUP to Look across ALL Worksheets and stops _
at the first match found.
Dim wSheet As Worksheet
Dim vFound

On Error Resume Next

 For Each wSheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
  With wSheet
  Set Tble_Array = .Range(Tble_Array.Address)
   vFound = WorksheetFunction.VLookup _
   (Look_Value, Tble_Array, _
   Col_num, Range_look)
  End With
  If Not IsEmpty(vFound) Then Exit For
 Next wSheet

 Set Tble_Array = Nothing
 VLOOKAllSheets = vFound
End Function

To use this code do this:

1. Push Alt+F11 and go to Insert>Module
2. Copy and paste in the code.
3. Push Alt+Q and Save.

Now in any cell put in the Function like this:


Where "Dog" is the value to find

" " C1:E20 is the range to look in the first column and find "Dog"

" " 2 is the relative column position in C1:E20 to return return our result

" " FALSE (or ommited) means find and exact match of "Dog"

In other words the UDF has the exact same syntax as Excels VLOOKUP. The only
difference is that it will look in ALL Worksheets and stop at the first

Hope that helps you a bit.


- Show quoted text -

I've tried to add this macro, yet get an error message in the formula

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