Checking if a Chart Exists on a Sheet


Keith Wilby

Newbie question:

What code do I need to check if a chart exists on a worksheet?

Many thanks.


Keith Wilby

Keith Wilby said:
Newbie question:

What code do I need to check if a chart exists on a worksheet?

Whoops, how do I determine it's name if one exists? I've tried
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.ActiveChart.Name but that's obviously not right.


Charts are contained inside ChartObjects. Chartobjects have names
(which you don't see on the "chart") while Charts have titles (which
you do see).
If you only have one chart on a sheet then it is contained inside one
ChartObject and you can do

myName = ActiveSheet.ChartObject(1).Name
myTitle = ActiveSheet.ChartObject(1).Chart.Title
to get name and title.

To see if a chart exists try

On Error resume next
Set myChartObject = Activesheet.ChartObjects(myName)
If myChartObject is Nothing then

Peter T

Sub test()
Dim i As Long
Dim s As String
Dim ws As Worksheet

Set ws = ActiveSheet

For i = 1 To ws.ChartObjects.Count
s = s & ws.ChartObjects(i).Name & vbCr

If Len(s) = 0 Then s = "No Charts on " & ws.Name

MsgBox s
End Sub

Peter T


Sorry, post went when I pressed return for some reason. Last bit
should be

On Error resume next
Set myChartObject = Activesheet.ChartObjects(myName)
If myChartObject is Nothing then
'some code
End if
On error goto 0

where myName is a text string.
If you have several charts with Titles but the parent chartobjects do
not have names try

For Each Cht In Activesheet.ChartObjects
If Cht.Chart.Title = myTitle then
msgbox "Chart Exists!"
Exit For
end if
next Cht


Dave Peterson

One more:

If ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Count > 0 Then
MsgBox "has some!"
MsgBox "nope"
End If

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