Checking DataSet value for null


Andy G

How can I check this for null? dsPrsn.Tables(0).Rows(0)("WORK_STATE")
I tried If IsDbNull(dsPrsn.Tables(0).Rows(0)("WORK_STATE")) Then it seems
not too work. I am attempting to check this field in my data set to see if
it is null or not. If it is null I want to set my drop down list to a
certain value (where I'm using dropdown.SelectedValue = ). If it is not
null I want to set the drop down to the dataset value. Here is what the
login/code should be...

If IsDBNull(dsPrsn.Tables(0).Rows(0)("WORK_STATE")) Then

cmbState.SelectedValue = 'some value


cmbState.SelectedValue = dsPrsn.Tables(0).Rows(0)("WORK_STATE")

End If


Scott Allen

Did you want to check for a null value instead? Null and DBNull are
technically different values. Try If ... Is Nothing to test for null.

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