CheckBoxList strange behaviour on changing from enabled to disabled.


Dennis Johansson

I have a CheckBoxList like this one:

<asp:CheckBoxList id="chkReport" runat="server" DataValueField="rptID"
DataTextField="RptName" Enabled="False"

I fill it with items from a database and check/select items corresponding to
another database query.
When first displayed, the user cannot select/deselect items since
Enabled=false. After pushing a button on the page the list gets
The problem is, when changing from disabled to enabled, all selections are
cleared and none of the checkboxes remain ticked. Btw viewstate is enabled.

Anyone heard of this problem and/or know a possible solution?
Thanks in advance...


Dennis Johansson

Actually, the selections are cleared no matter what button i press, as long
as it generates a postback. If the CheckBoxList has Enabled=true, this does
not occur. Is there something wrong with CheckBoxList and the Enabled

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