CheckBoxes on a Form



I have a checkbox on a form that I need to link to another field on another
form. Basically what I need to do is when a user enters data into a field on
another form I need the checkbox to have a "check" in it on another form.
This will enable users to know if there is data on another form for a
specific field. If there is a checkmark in the box then they know to look on
the other form for additional information. Can anyone help me set this up?

Rick B

Is this tied to a record? If you have the checkbox bound to a field, then
you can pull it to as many forms as you'd like.


The checkbox is bound to a field in the table but I want to tie it into
another field so it will let users know when there is data in that field and
when there is not. How would I do this?


When you say that you want to update another field on another form, is that
form loaded?
because, if it not, you need to use update query to update the value in that
and then when the second form will be open, it will display the new value.

But you can't update a field in a form, when the form is closed
If I answered your question, please mark it as an answer. That way, it will
stay saved for a longer time, so other can benefit from it.

Good luck

Rick B

You'd have to write code in that "other field's" before change event. It
would say something like...

If IsNull([Some Field]) then
[SomeCheckField]= False
End If


I already tried putting that code into the BeforeChange event. For some
reason it won't work.

Rick B said:
You'd have to write code in that "other field's" before change event. It
would say something like...

If IsNull([Some Field]) then
[SomeCheckField]= False
End If

Rick B

Secret Squirrel said:
The checkbox is bound to a field in the table but I want to tie it into
another field so it will let users know when there is data in that field
when there is not. How would I do this?


No that form is not loaded. The form with the checkbox is my main data entry
screen. The other field is where the users will put comments, etc. You can
get to that field from a command button on my main data entry form. What I
want to happen is when there are comments in a specific field on the comments
form I want a checkbox on the main form to have a check in it so it will let
users know there are comments in another field.

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