Checkboxes list to fill thecustomer preferences


Michal Z.


I have to build a database with a 'profile' of each customer (i.e. Name,
Address, etc.) and her or his preferences (i.e. black /white chocolate,
coffee, tea, etc.).

I have three tables TB_Customers and TB_Products and TB_ Preferences where I
want to store the CustomerID an ProductID. Thanks to this I do not need to
define a separate boolean field for each product in the customers' table. My
problem is in terms of designing the form & subform. I could certainly use a
standard subform to allow the user to enter the products that the customer
prefers; however, I would rather have a subform with the list of products
and a checkbox for each one...then I can check or uncheck the box. It seems
to me the most user friendly way to enter such a kind of information to such
a database.

How can I display a subform listing all products with checkboxes but to have
the data stored in a table with nothing other than the CustomerID an
ProductID and also showing already entered preferences?

Thanks for any help or example in advance

With best regards

Michal Z.


please don't multi-post. if you feel you must post to more than one
newsgroup (rarely necessary), then cross-post your message - that is, create
one message and send it to both newsgroups at once

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