Check textbox value...



How can I check the value of a textbox has no more than 2 decimal places?

I already check that the value is numeric, but how do I check that it is not
0.223 or .022 etc. I only want to allow up to 2 decimal places...


Turn it into a string, and look at the position of the decimal point in the
If it's more then the 3rd character from the end, then there are too many
decimal points.


A regular expression to check for a number with 2 decimals looks like this
"^(\+|-)?\d{1,6}(\.\d{1,2})?$". You may use it in a

<asp:TextBox ID="txtNumber" Runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="valTxtNumber"
ControlToValidate="txtNumber" Runat="Server" ValidationExpression
="^(\+|-)?\d{1,6}(\.\d{1,2})?$" ErrorMessage="Number is not valid. Please
enter numbers with 2 decimals only" > </asp:RegularExpressionValidator>

Or you may use it in a Javascript like this:
var re = /^(\+|-)?\d{1,6}(\.\d{1,2})?$/g;
alert(re.test("123456.123")); //this will echo false
alert(re.test("56.23")); //this will echo true

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