Check if Service Exists?


Lucas Tam

Hi all,

If I create a serviceController like:

srvController = New ServiceController("Fubar")

serviceController will be created regardless if the service exists or not.
It will only throw an exception if I access the properties of the

Is there a way to check that the service actually exists before creating



DOn't know if this the correct way or not but it's what one of our programs
is doing to see if a Service is installed.

' Check to see if VNC is installed
Dim scServices() = ServiceController.GetServices()
Dim i As Integer = 0

While i < scServices.Length
If scServices(i).DisplayName = "VNC Server" Then
m_bVNC = True
End If
i = i + 1
End While

If m_bVNC Then

' Check to see if VNC is already running, If so indecate
that VNC is running

If m_VNC Is Nothing Then
m_VNC = New ServiceController("VNC Server")
End If


If m_VNC.Status <> ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped Then
tbVnc.ImageIndex = 7
tbVnc.Text = "VNC - ON"
End If

Catch exp As Exception
MsgBox(m_VNC.ServiceName & " is in state:" &
m_VNC.Status.ToString() & vbNewLine & _
"Could not start service")

m_VNC = Nothing
End Try

tbVnc.Enabled = False

End If

Lucas Tam

DOn't know if this the correct way or not but it's what one of our
programs is doing to see if a Service is installed.

' Check to see if VNC is installed
Dim scServices() = ServiceController.GetServices()
Dim i As Integer = 0

While i < scServices.Length
If scServices(i).DisplayName = "VNC Server" Then
m_bVNC = True
End If
i = i + 1
End While

Thank you - I was hoping to avoid looping through all my services. I was
sort of expecting that .NET would throw an error if it tried to create
an non-existing service.

i.e. New ServiceController("NoSuchService")

But it doesn't.

In anycase, the GetServices method way will work just fine for me.

Thank you : )

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