Check disc log



Is there anywhere that a log or report of a Check disc
(CHKDSK) operation is recorded or kept?

When I schedule a disc check (to occur on next boot), I
would like to be able to see a report of what the check
disc utility found.

Any ideas?

Wesley Vogel


Start | Run | Type: eventvwr | OK
Look in Application | Listed as Information
under Winlogon, Event 1001


Many, many thanks.

BTW, I searched all through for "CHKDSK"
and "report" or "log" and could not find anything.

How did you know this? or for my own future use, how could
I have figured this out?

In any event, thanks again.

Wesley Vogel


As near as I can remember I asked and some one told me. :blush:)
I was like you. I searched all over and then had to ask. :blush:)
As far as figuring it out yourself, you would've just
happened to see it in the event viewer.

If you were to follow the trail in the Event Viewer it says that
chdsk puts a log in the root of the volume that was checked.
For me that would be C:\ And I have never seen any kind of
chkdsk log there.

Keep having fun!!

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