Charts in powerPoint become red X's



After several frustrating hours here is what I have:
Presnetation of 60 slides with an size in properties of
about 1.5 meg. Was working fine. Now when I open the file
some chart appear as big red x's! Issue appears to be in
Graph.exe. I saved the file with a new file name, deleted
some slides to decrease the overall file size. Now what
is happening is that some charts are not the charts that
I had put on the slide. Magically powerpoint is
substituting one chart for another.
Download the most current update of MS OFfice. No change.
Ran a chkdsk on the hard drive. Cleaned up all files.

I am out of ideas.
Help! Thanks

Steve Rindsberg

Powerpoiint 2003 is what is says under Help

Before doing anything else, I'd save a copy or two of the presentation as a
backup, in case things go from bad to worse as you work with it.

Then give this a shot. On one of the COPIES. ;-)

HTML "Round-tripping" to repair corruption

Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP
Featured Presenter, PowerPoint Live 2004
October 10-13, San Diego, CA

Echo S

You might want to open PPT and try Help/Check for Updates. Make sure you
have SP-1 installed. It corrects some problems with images not showing up. I
don't know that this particular red-X issue is related, but I don't know
that it's not, either.

Glen Millar


I'd love to know if you have updated with the latest Service packs for PPT
XP? I'm wondering if anything has been fixed by those updates that might
address this issue.



Glen Millar
Microsoft PPT MVP
Please tell us your ppt version, and get back to us here
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Yes all updates for XP and PowerPoint have been installed. This is one of the
things that I attempted once I began having problems.

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