Chart, X-axis range


Richard Evans

I'm using Excel 2003. In column A, I have dates from June 1 to
December 31 (6/1 - 12/31). In columns B, C, D I have data for each
date. I create a line graph for the month of June. When I create the
graph, I select the range that includes only the June dates. The dates
form the X-axis of the chart. The dates displayed range from 5/30 to

Where are the May and July dates coming from? I've verified that I
selected only June dates. There aren't even any May dates in the

Dick Evans

Frank Kabel

Hi Dick
Excel seems to guess that you want to show complete weeks. One simple
solution: change the scaling of the X-Axis to your desired values

Richard Evans

Frank Kabel said:
Hi Dick
Excel seems to guess that you want to show complete weeks. One simple
solution: change the scaling of the X-Axis to your desired values

That did it, but brings up another question. I created the chart as a
line chart. In that form, the scale showed up as formatted dates. I
changed the chart type to scattergram, and the scale shows as the
decimal equivalent of dates, making it difficult to specify dates as
min/max values. Why did the scale change format? How can I get it back
to something more meaningful?


Richard Evans

Frank Kabel said:
you can apply a format like MMM-YY to your axis

The axis is formatted as "Date" and displays correctly. The problem is
in the Scale tab, which shows the min/max values as decimal values
instead of the date. Makes it hard to specify a start/stop range.
Quick, what's the decimal value for August 14, 2004?

When I created the chart the Scale tab displayed in date format.
Simply changing the chart style caused the Scale tab to display (in
the min/max fields, not the axis itself) decimal equivalents instead
of dates. I want the Scale tab to display dates.


Frank Kabel

I've never seen this behaviour before. Have you tried creating your
chart from scratch?

Richard Evans

Frank Kabel said:
I've never seen this behaviour before. Have you tried creating your
chart from scratch?

Depends on what you mean "from scratch." I created it with "Insert >
Chart." Is there another way?


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