Chart Wizard not working



Hi, I'm taking an MS Access online class. My current
assignment is to use the Report Chart Wizard to create a
report. Unfortunately, when I select New Report, by
Using Wizard and then select Chart Wizard nothing
happens. No errors, no messages at all.

Appreciate any assistance you can provide.

Tom Wickerath

Try replacing three files on your hard drive, Acwzmain.mde, Acwztool.mde and Accwiz.dll using the
instructions. One or more of these files may have become corrupted.

Do these steps without Access running.

1.. Insert the Microsoft Office or Access compact disc.
2.. By using Windows Explorer, open the Pfiles\Msoffice\Office\1033 folder on your
CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive, and locate the Acwzmain.mde and/or Acwztool.mde files.
3.. Select both files, and then click Copy on the Edit menu
4.. Open the folder that you installed Office into. The default folder is C:\Program
Files\Microsoft Office. Select the Office\1033 folder, and then on the Edit menu, click Paste.

If that doesn't fix the problem, my next guess is an improperly registered Accwiz.dll or
DAO360.dll file. Follow the instructions
in to re-register Accwiz.dll and DAO.

Also see:, which is similar to KB 303769. This KB
specifically states nothing happens when you try to use a wizard. However, it doesn't mention
replacing Accwiz.dll, so I think the first KB article is better as a "shotgun" approach to fixing
the problem.

Special Note: Don't let the "Access 2000" in the title of these articles lead you to believe
that they do not apply to Access 2002 or 2003. They likely apply equally well to these later
versions of Access.

Good Luck,



Hi, I'm taking an MS Access online class. My current
assignment is to use the Report Chart Wizard to create a
report. Unfortunately, when I select New Report, by
Using Wizard and then select Chart Wizard nothing
happens. No errors, no messages at all.

Appreciate any assistance you can provide.

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