Chart, lines drop to zero when no data entered



Have several charts that get the data from a master data
sheet which gets its data from several other sheets, thus
a linked formula is involved. X axis is for Jan - Dec. I
only thus far have data for Jan - May. The lines on the
charts are fine for Jan - May, but since there is no data
in June - Dec, the line drops to zero. It make the
production chart look like the person suddenly stopped
working. I realize I can erase the formulas but this is
not acceptable in that several people, not excel
proficient, will be updating their own charts and printing
them. I want the line to stop if the formula totals '0'.

Frank Kabel

instead of displaying a zero in your data cells try displaying
in these cases

Jon Peltier

In addition to Frank's suggestion, you could refine dynamic ranges in
your sheet, which only include the data you want, and plot these. I have
some links and examples on my web site:

The NA() trick doesn't work the same way on all chart types. For
example, in an area chart, you might as well use a zero, because the
value drops to the axis as in your chart.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions

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