chart data by day of week



I have a spreadsheet of >12,000 records of stolen vehicles (cars,
SUV's, pickups, motorcycles, etc.) covering a period of almost two
years. Each record has a date of theft and other info about the
vehicle. I'd like to look at the thefts for day of the seven day week.
For instance, I'd like to look at all motorcycle thefts over a one year
period and count occurances by day of week and then generate a single
chart with theft count as the ordinate and day-of-the-week as the
I'm new to the group so pardon me if this question has been asked


Dan said:
I have a spreadsheet of >12,000 records of stolen vehicles (cars,
SUV's, pickups, motorcycles, etc.) covering a period of almost two
years. Each record has a date of theft and other info about the
vehicle. I'd like to look at the thefts for day of the seven day week.
For instance, I'd like to look at all motorcycle thefts over a one year
period and count occurances by day of week and then generate a single
chart with theft count as the ordinate and day-of-the-week as the
I'm new to the group so pardon me if this question has been asked

Problem solved....

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