changing the loading order



How can I change the order of things that load on my webpage? e.g.The
javascript menu currently loads last and I would like it to load before the
graphics do.



Not exactly random, but it works like this -

The code on the page is parsed from <html> to </html> by the client browser.
Each external reference is requested from the server as it is encountered in
that parsing. As the requested files have been received by the browser,
they are rendered onto the page. Since files are packetized when they are
transmitted, some files will arrive and be rendered before other (perhaps
ones that have been requested earlier even) files.

If you want to optimize the arrival of a page element, its markup must be
moved higher in the code. Since location in the code often determines
location on the page, this may not be a good solution.


Thanks Murray, that is informative. I am using frames. A top border, a left
border where the js menu and nothing else resides and a target frame where
all the content resides. Do you know if it is possible to get the left border
to load before the content frame?


You would have no control over this. Furthermore, it's likely your js menu
is massively heavy like most I've seen, so there would be no chance to
affect the way your pages appear.

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