Changing "rights" for a given program



Is there a way on a machine running XP Pro to allow a
program setup to run only with administrative rights to
allow a specific user account with Limited privileges to
run the program. We have set up a user account with
limited rights strictly to limit vulnerability when
connected to the net

Nibbles & Bits

Roger Abell

This sort of depend on what you mean by saying
a program setup to run only with administrative rights

Usually programs install their launch shortcuts and icons
in the .\Start Menu\Programs and the .\Desktop folders of
the All Users profile in Documents and Settings
and install their code in Program Files\SomeAppDirectory
When this is so, the things in All Users profile are accessible
from all accounts, and the code in Program Files is set to
allow limited account to read and execute what is there but
not to write there.

Now, some software will put the launching shortcuts into
the profile of the account that installed the application.
When this is so, one can copy these from the profile of the
installing account into the corresponding location in the
All Users profile. One should copy, not move, these - and
then delete them from the initial profile.

Some software, once made available to all accounts will
fail to run by any account that is not an admin. This happens
when the software wants access to something that limited
accounts are not permitted. One of the most common things
is that the application want to write into its installation area.
At a cmd prompt issuing the command
cacls "c:\Program Files\SomeAppDirectory" /e /t /g Users:C
will grant limited accounts the ability to write all over the
applications install area (replace c:\ and SomeAppDirectory
as needed for the application).

Sometimes there are other areas, in the filesystem or registry,
where limited accounts need more permissions.

Finally, some applications, once installed "for the installing
user" as done in response to a prompt during the installation
are not adjustable by the above means. This applications will
do different things during the install based on how the question
is answered. For such applications it is most simple to just
uninstall them and then reinstall using the other answer.

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