Changing Parent Directory


Nicole McCain

I wasn't sure, if my other message posted, since I got an error. I need help changing the parent directory in command prompt.

It Currently is: C:\ and I want it to be C:\Documents and Settings\Nicole.NicoleLaptop.

I tried CD \Documents and Settings\Nicole.NicoleLaptop and I get the message "Too Many perimeters -- AND"

Any help is appreciated, I need to get this fixed soon!

- Nicole


Hi Nicole,

Which Command Window are you referring to? Cmd or Command? And where are
you starting the Cmd or Command program from?

Just go Start > Run type in cmd or command and click OK, starts you
where you want to be at.


I wasn't sure, if my other message posted, since I got an error. I need
help changing the parent directory in command prompt.

It Currently is: C:\ and I want it to be C:\Documents and

I tried CD \Documents and Settings\Nicole.NicoleLaptop and I get the
message "Too Many perimeters -- AND"

Any help is appreciated, I need to get this fixed soon!

- Nicole


I haven't seen Nicole's original message, but it seems that she is not
using quotes around the path. It should be :

CD "\Documents and Settings\Nicole.NicoleLaptop"

This is because of the space in "Documents and Settings".

Without the quotes:

CD \Documents and Settings\Nicole.NicoleLaptop

Because of the space it thinks that the command is "CD \Documents" and
that "and" and "Settings\Nicole.NicoleLaptop" are parameters. Since CD
only takes one parameter it complains about the parameter "and"!

Hope Nicole reads this,



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