change the location of the back-end mdb tables file


Bill Stanton

I can't remember where one goes in
Access2K to change the location of
the back-end mdb tables file, i.e., the
front-end mde is on the client and the
mdb is on the LAN host server.


Van T. Dinh

In the Front-End mdb, use the Menu Tools / Database Utilities / Link Table

Bill Stanton

I tried that to begin with, thinking that was the place
to do it. However, from the mde on the client, the
"Link Table Manager" only shows the mdb's in the
local folder that contains the mde file. i.e., there's no
browse option to go to "My Network Places" or
anything like that where I can choose files on the

Van T. Dinh

When the Dialog Box opens for you to select the Back-End, there should be a
"Look In" ComboBox near the top of the Dialog that you can use to navigate
to the required directory including "My Network Places".

Jay Bukstein

You need to use the link table manager to change the
links and then rebuild the MDE and give that to all users
of this access DB.

Bill Stanton

There's NO "Look In" option given, only the tables
visible to A2K on the local folder that contains the
front-end mde. The ONLY option buttons are:
"OK", "Cancel", "Select All" and "De-select All".

One thing I found to be strange was that the first
time I used the "Link Table Manager" on the client,
I had to install the feature from the Office2K product
disk. Perhaps not, as the XP system is new on the
client and Office2K was re-installed on the refreshed
system? I don't recall having to install the feature in
the past?


Bill Stanton

See my post to Van.

Also, as an aside to the current issue, if either
the mdb or mde file has an invalid path to the
back-end mdb, I can find no way to correct
the path! What about that? i.e., if I can't even
open the mdb source or mde back-end file on
the client machine, how can I correct an
invalid path... which can happen if one were
to change folder locations on the local machine.


Rick Brandt

Bill Stanton said:
There's NO "Look In" option given, only the tables
visible to A2K on the local folder that contains the
front-end mde. The ONLY option buttons are:
"OK", "Cancel", "Select All" and "De-select All".

You have to check the "Always prompt for new location" box in the lower
left and then press [OK]. *Then* you will get a browse dialog for
selecting a new file location.

Albert D. Kallal

Bill Stanton said:
There's NO "Look In" option given, only the tables
visible to A2K on the local folder that contains the
front-end mde. The ONLY option buttons are:
"OK", "Cancel", "Select All" and "De-select All".

Only after you select all, and hit ok, are you then prompted for the
location. If the existing location is ok, then it simply re-links. If the
existing location is NOT ok, then you are given the standard file browse
dialog in which you can browse to the back end location. In some cases, you
actually MIGHT ALREADY have a legitimate link, but STILL WANT TO CHANGE the
location. In that case, note the little "Always prompt for a new location"
check box. Check that box, and you will ALWAYS be asked for the location.
(as mentioned, you only need to use that check box if the current back end
link is ok, and you want to *still* change the location).
One thing I found to be strange was that the first
time I used the "Link Table Manager" on the client,
I had to install the feature from the Office2K product
disk. Perhaps not, as the XP system is new on the
client and Office2K was re-installed on the refreshed
system? I don't recall having to install the feature in
the past?

You are correct, many features like wizards, and some addins like the
calendar control are not installed by default. However, for later versions,
I do believe the linked table manger is now included by default.

Jay Bukstein

I thought that any changes like that fe MDB path to poin
to the new location of the be and then recompile /rebuild
the MDE.

Bill Stanton

Ah! my good Canadian friend Albert!

What was missing was the "Always prompt for a new location"
-> "OK" sequence. Previous help suggested there should be
a "Look in" in the primary dialog box. Anyway, after I cleared
away some cobwebs, I got to what I needed.

In another post relating to this one, I wrote:

Also, as an aside to the current issue, if either
the mdb or mde file has an invalid path to the
back-end mdb, I can find no way to correct
the path! What about that? i.e., if I can't even
open the mdb source or mde back-end file on
the client machine, how can I correct an
invalid path... which can happen if one were
to change folder locations on the local machine.

How do I correct the path in the "Link Manager"
if I can't even open the mdb or mde files?


Albert D. Kallal

Bill Stanton said:
Ah! my good Canadian friend Albert!
Also, as an aside to the current issue, if either
the mdb or mde file has an invalid path to the
back-end mdb, I can find no way to correct
the path! What about that?

Sure, you just did fix it. The one answer is to use the linked table
i.e., if I can't even
open the mdb source or mde back-end file on
the client machine, how can I correct an
invalid path.

You will have to train your users to use the linked table manger. Of course,
I usually have code that checks if the link is ok (all my applications hide
the ms-access interface anyway). You can use code to prompt the user for the
location, or even assume the location in the back end is in the same dir. If
the link fails, then you can run your re-link code.

So, yes, in those cases where you can't be on location, then you do need to
provide some means for the user to re-link to the changed location. Most of
use have grabbed the code from the from following, and cobbled together some
code (thus we don't use, or need the linked table manager).

check out:

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