Change smtp



I inadvertantly trasnposed smtp and input smpt when setting up Windows live.
Now of course I cannot "send" emails, but I cannot figure out how to access
to correct. Please help!


Tools > Accounts > highlight your acct. >Properties > Servers. Make your
correction there.


Diana Brian

I have a new computer and am attempting to set up my Word program to send
the documents using my gmail account instead of internet explorer. any
help? I tried to input the pop and smtp data and now nothing is working.


Go to your gmail account and click on Settings (upper right hand corner). Go
to the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab. You need to enable POP and IMAP first.
Then click on the "configuration settings link" and select which program you
are using to access your mail. (hint: it won't be Word). Follow the
instructions there to setup your program.

Gary VanderMolen

Why try to send from within Word? Save the Word document, open your
favorite email method, then attach the document.

If you are trying to set up your Gmail account in Windows Mail, follow these

If after doing so you still get an error message when sending, post the
complete error message here.

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