Change in web application release




I'd like to know if I have to re upload my web application to the web
server everytime I make a minor change to it.

For example, I just changed one line of code in my code behind.

I see how THAT file needs to be updated, and probably the dll and pdb.

Anybody know for sure what needs to be updated besides these 3 or do I
have to upload the whole web application?

One thing I have gathered is that client pages (aspx) can be modified
and uploaded without a fresh release. But it's the code behind that I
need confirmation on.

Thanks :)

Karl Seguin

In 1.x if you change an aspx or ascx then you need only upload those files.

If you change any code files (.cs, ,vb) such as codebehind files, you need
only re-upload the .dll for that project. You shoudlnt' have .cs and .vb
files on your production server.

In 2.x it's a lot more complicated, as it depends on which deployment mode
you are using..


Seth Webster via

Are you using ASP.NET 1.1? If so, just the .dll (in this particular case)
and possibly the .aspx file if you made changes there. If using ASP.NET 2.0,
just the .cs file. This will cause IIS to recompile that assembly Server-

Good luck.

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