Change History folder


Kris Hyde


We have a simple system of roaming profiles set up on our computers.
The problem I have is that the users internet history is not stored
anywhere once they log off. Local profiles are set to automatically
delete on logoff (to save space) and there is nothing stored centrally
in their profiles. This causes problems for the users as everytime
they logoff their history is deleted, plus it would be useful for me
(as administrator) to be able to check that they are not up to
anything too dodgy.

Is there any simple way of setting the History to a folder for each
user on the server? Maybe the group policy settings?



Jerold Schulman


We have a simple system of roaming profiles set up on our computers.
The problem I have is that the users internet history is not stored
anywhere once they log off. Local profiles are set to automatically
delete on logoff (to save space) and there is nothing stored centrally
in their profiles. This causes problems for the users as everytime
they logoff their history is deleted, plus it would be useful for me
(as administrator) to be able to check that they are not up to
anything too dodgy.

Is there any simple way of setting the History to a folder for each
user on the server? Maybe the group policy settings?



Yes. See tip 2365 in the 'Tips & Tricks' at

You can use tip 4195 to deploy it or run regedit /s filename.reg in a logon

Jerold Schulman
Windows: General MVP
JSI, Inc.

Kris Hyde

Thanks for the tip - it changes the location of the History folder a
treat, and its the first time I've seen a way of doing it. However,
there are still a couple of problems:

1) The History folder only appears to want to be set to a folder on
the local computer. If I set it to store the folder on the Server, it
doesn't seem to work.

2) If I set it to a folder on the local computer, the information is
still erased once the users log out. Is there some sort of security
setting that could be causing this behaviour?



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