change font shadow color in a table



How do I change the default font color of a shadow inside a table in
Best regards,

Echo S

office_Freak said:
How do I change the default font color of a shadow inside a table in

PPT actually has two shadow tools -- the one that's up by the bold and
italic tool is the one most people use for text, and I believe that's the
one table text relies on.

This shadow color is determined by a combination of your slide background
color and the font color. It's usually black or grey, sometimes white, and
occasionally you'll see a steel blue. But you can't control it -- it's
hard-coded into PPT.

If you need to control the text shadow color, you'll have to use the shadow
tool on the Drawing toolbar. However, this tool doesn't work on tables, so
you'd need to create your table from plain textboxes and add the shadow to
the text in those. Now, if you decide to do this, you'll want to know that
if your textbox doesn't have a fill, the shadow setting applies to the text,
but if the textbox does have a fill, the shadow setting applies to the
textbox itself. So if you need background fills in your table, you'll have
to create those with filled autoshapes and place them behind the textboxes.

Now that you know what the shadow tool is actually doing, it's actually
probably easier to create your table as you wish (but with no shadows on the
text), select it and cut it (Ctrl+X). Then Edit|Paste Special and choose
EMF. Then select the EMF picture of the table and Draw|Ungroup. (You can
ungroup twice if you want, but once will do the trick here.) Select the text
and apply the shadow setting from the Drawing toolbar.

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