Change Field Size



In Access 2007, I can't manually change a field size. When I try to select
one field to re-size, it changes all the other fields too. How can you
change one field without changing the others?

Al Campagna

The expression "Field Size" usually refers to the Field Size property of
a field in the table design.
ex. a Text field with a Field Size of 20 (characters).

I think you're referring to the size (width) of a Control on a Form?

Is this form a "Continuous" form? If so, changing the width of of a
Text Control applies that width to all records.

Please provide a bit more information describing what you're trying to
do, and an example would help.
Al Campagna
Microsoft Access MVP

"Find a job that you love... and you'll never work a day in your life."


I selected to create a form and it automatically brought all of the fields
from the table into it. When I tried to change the size of the field
(control), it changes all of the fields instead of the one I selected. I did
notice when I deleted the fields on the form and then manually inserted the
fields, it will let me change one control at a time. So, if you let Access
create the form for you, how can you re-size the controls individually?

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