Change Default Insertion Point / Cursor Position



Does anyone know of a way to have the cursor position (insertion point)
by default to a different location such as the middle of a document or
to line 2 or 3, or so on. There is actually meaning behind this
question because it is for a dictation crew in a hospital to make this
easier for them so they don't have to count lines to start. Thanks for
the help.

Charles Kenyon

You can set a bookmark at the location you want typing to start in your
template. Record an AutoNew macro _in the template_ going to that bookmark.
Stop recording. Make sure you do not record the macro in your
file but in the document template you are creating. Press Ctrl-Home to get
out of the bookmark and return to the beginning of the template. When
someone creates a new document based on your template, it will go to the
bookmark. Note that the bookmark will be deleted when they start typing.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

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This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies
and questions to the newsgroup so that others can learn
from my ignorance and your wisdom.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Charles has told you how to do what you asked, but have you considered
making your document a protected form instead? See and especially
the forms tutorials by Dian Chapman that this article links to.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.


I have not thought of creating a protected form and I am looking into
it now. But the way this template is setup there is a 1 row table at
the very top of this document for another part of a form that displays
( when template is opened) where you can put in information for a new
document. But the section i am having troubles with is the section for
appending information where i am able to put in a line number and it
should go to it. The problem is that the cursor is in the table at
start and will not go to the line number i have specified. I have
little to no programming skills so the easiest way is the best way for
me at this point. If there is anythign else i can provide that could
help please let me know. any ideas will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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