change capitalize letters to lowercase



i need to have a walk through on setting up my document. I already have 1300
names that I have imported from other programs and files and now need to clean
up the misc capital letters and lowercase. PLEASE HELP! On deadline


Changing caps to lowercase is done by the LOWER function:
=LOWER(A1) will make it all lower case
=PROPER(A1) will make only the first letter capital
=UPPER(A1) makes it all uppercase
Bob Umlas
Excel MVP


Here's what you're probably looking for. This macro will go down a column of
data and convert all letters to lower case. It stops when if hits an empty

Sub Lower_Case()

While ActiveCell.Value <> ""
ActiveCell.Value = LCase(ActiveCell.Value)
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

End Sub

Jim Cone

The free Excel add-in "XL Extras" adds menu items to the Format
menu that offers choices to change the text in the selection to:
Upper, Lower, Proper, and Sentence case.

The program also does other stuff like sorting sheets and creating a table of contents..
Download from ...
No registration required.
Jim Cone
San Francisco, USA

<[email protected]>
wrote in message
i need to have a walk through on setting up my document. I already have 1300
names that I have imported from other programs and files and now need to clean
up the misc capital letters and lowercase. PLEASE HELP! On deadline

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