Challange: "Found new hardware wizard" loop


Stephen Giraud

Looking for a utility program I put the Intel motherboard disk from one
computer into another. The CD was a self starting bios install disk. Now
the computer I put it in is stuck with an endless loop:
Every day I start it up the "found new hardware" wizard starts up, but no
matter how I run through the wizard the install is either terminated or
fails, either way the computer works fine for the day, but the wizard start
again the next start up. Not too bad a problem, but I am tired of it. How
can I flush the install program that starts the wizard every day?



I had a similar situation. Try this.

Start the computer, then go to "start" then "run" type "msconfig" go to the
start up tab, look at all the programs running (the ones with the check
marks) and see if you have one called "setup" or "setup boot", I had a
gigabyte disk do the same thing, I had to uncheck it from the config before
it would stop running everytime I rebooted.....good luck.

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