Cell Refer & stop recording box



I have the same issue as in Michael's case, but I am not able to get it back
with the suggestion of right clicking on the tool bar. When I right click it
shows the "stop recording" already ck, but I can not find the box. Also when
I record, the word recording does appear in the lower left side of the frame
of excel, so I know I am recording, but I can't get the little control box to
show up so I can click on relevancy when I want to stop recording.

Gord Dibben


Select the Stop Recording Toolbar.

Start Recording a macro then hit the Stop button.

DO NOT hit the "x" to stop or you will lose the Toolbar again.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Thank you for the reply, but my issue that I can not get my "stop recording
Box" to appear. I have the "stop recording selected in my
Tools>Customize>Toolbar. When I record a macro, I can see it recording by
the word Recording in the low left side of my xcel frame just under the
"sheet1" name. I also can stop recording by going to my tool bar
Tools>Macro>Stop Recording. But this process does not give me the option to
use Cell Reference. I can not figure out how to get my Stop Recording box to

Gord Dibben

When you select the SR toolbar it does not appear...correct?

Have you tried Tools>Customize>Toolbars and Reset on the SR toolbar?



Yes, I have tried "reset" on the toolbar. All I aget is the "recording"
under sheet 1 tab.

Gord Dibben

I cannot replicate the behaviour of your SR toolbar unless I close it using the
"x" while recording.

And even then, I can get it back using the steps I outlined in my original post.

Hopefully someone will jump in with a fix.


Yes, I have tried "reset" on the toolbar. All I aget is the "recording"
under sheet 1 tab.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Thanks so much for you time and trying to resolve this. I can not figure out
why I can not get it back. I may have closed it, but I should be able to get
it back, by following your sugguestions and others before. I have ck'ed
every setting and reset every possible setting with toolbars. I really
thought a re install would fix it, and I even ran my "fix errors" from my
add/remove programs.
Again thanks for your time.

Gord Dibben


One more to try.

ALT + F11 to open Visual Basic Editor

View>Immediate Window.

Paste this code in and hit ENTER key.

Application.CommandBars("Stop Recording").Visible = True

ALT + Q to go back to Excel.


Thanks so much for you time and trying to resolve this. I can not figure out
why I can not get it back. I may have closed it, but I should be able to get
it back, by following your sugguestions and others before. I have ck'ed
every setting and reset every possible setting with toolbars. I really
thought a re install would fix it, and I even ran my "fix errors" from my
add/remove programs.
Again thanks for your time.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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