cell has decimal value returns whole number, why?




New to VB and trying to write a program that gets two values from
cells and calculates a column of values.

cell "C19" = 4.0938

cell "C21" = 4.8438
Sub FillInRange()

Dim intK As Long
Dim intT As Long
Dim intX As Long
Dim intY As Long

intX = Range("C19").Value
intY = Range("C21").Value
intT = Range("C15").Value

For I = 1 To (intT - 1) Step 1
intK = intX + (intY * I)
Selection.Value = intK
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

End Sub

But in the program they appear as C19 = 4 C21 = 5
Is there a way to get the decimal value into the variables?

Sorry if this dosen't make to much sense as I am not sure of the terms
to use.

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

New to VB and trying to write a program that gets two values from
cells and calculates a column of values.

cell "C19" = 4.0938

cell "C21" = 4.8438
Sub FillInRange()

Dim intK As Long
Dim intT As Long
Dim intX As Long
Dim intY As Long

intX = Range("C19").Value
intY = Range("C21").Value
intT = Range("C15").Value

For I = 1 To (intT - 1) Step 1
intK = intX + (intY * I)
Selection.Value = intK
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

End Sub

But in the program they appear as C19 = 4 C21 = 5
Is there a way to get the decimal value into the variables?

Although you say C19=4 and C21=5, I am guessing your complaint is intX=4 and
intY=5 because of your last sentence above. If that is the case, the problem
is you declared these variables as Longs... a Long can only hold whole
numbers. Declare them as Single or Double, depending on precision
requirements and, assuming I am right in my assumptions, all should be as
you want it.



Although you say C19=4 and C21=5, I am guessing your complaint is intX=4 and
intY=5 because of your last sentence above. If that is the case, the problem
is you declared these variables as Longs... a Long can only hold whole
numbers. Declare them as Single or Double, depending on precision
requirements and, assuming I am right in my assumptions, all should be as
you want it.


Yes, Thanks that fixed the problem. Values are now what I wanted..

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